Moonlight over Haleakala / Farid Askerov on Unsplash

Moonlight over Haleakala / Farid Askerov on Unsplash

When to Visit: Beautiful Haleakala at Sunrise and Sunset

Shaka Guide

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Many people like to go to the summit of Haleakala to watch the sunrise. It’s no small challenge, because it requires you to wake up really really early in the morning so you can beat the sun... But the view of the sunrise at the summit of Haleakala is worth it -  truly breathtaking. Especially cuz you get to  watch it from above the clouds! It’s also the coldest time of the day, with a wind chill that goes straight to the bone. It is a real treat. Kind of a frozen treat, but it’s a treat nonetheless!

After the sun rises though, the cold air is quickly warmed up by the sun. With the sun now up, you can see the full  beauty  of this majestic crater and all of its many colors. 

If you are not the early riser type, no worries! You’ll find that the sunset at the Haleakala summit is just as magnificent, with the sun setting over Wailuku and Kahului in west Waui. One nice bonus for going later in the day, is that - weather permitting - you can also stay for stargazing after dark. Up at 10,000 feet, and away from light pollution, the moon, the stars and the planets look amazingly clear and vivid. 

So, no matter what time of the day you are visiting Haleakala, one  thing’s for sure. You won’t be disappointed! (There are also plenty of eucalyptus trees along the road. In fact, you might want to  roll down your windows a bit as you drive, to enjoy the fresh scent of eucalyptus in the air!)

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Want to view the sunrise or sunset off of Haleakala?

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