The Silver Sickness - A Monument Valley Story

Mitchell and Merrick: The Twin Buttes' Namesake
Merrick actually has a twin butte called Mitchell over by the park entrance. They happen to be two of my favorite features in the entire park. And speaking of these two rock formations, that reminds me of a story. Want to know how these two buttes got their names? Back in 1863, Mitchell and Merrick were U.S. soldiers. They were tasked with rounding up the Navajo people and relocating them to an internment camp in New Mexico.
Why? Well, the Four Corners region had finally caught the eye of American settlers, and they wanted it for themselves. into the details of the Navajo's removal and their return later in the tour.
The Silver Discovery
While performing their duty, these two young soldiers couldn't help but notice something. Many Navajo were adorned with shining, sparkling silver jewelry. They reckon that could only mean one thing. The Navajo had access to silver. silver and by the looks of things a whole lot of it. Fast forward three years and Mitchell and Merrick had left the army but they couldn't shake the thought of that silver.
So they rode back to Monument Valley dead set on finding or should I say stealing their Little did they know that during the intervening years, the U.S. government had signed a treaty with the Navajo, allowing them to return to Monument Valley. That spelled trouble for the would-be prospectors who were expecting the area to be empty. Not only were the Navajo back, but their new chief, Hoskinini, wasn't too thrilled with Mitchell and Merrick's arrival.
He watched them for days from afar. And finally, he'd seen enough.
The Encounter with Chief Hoskinini
Hoskinini, whose nickname was Angry One, lived up to his name as he rode into their camp. He demanded to know what they were doing in his home. The men exchanged glances and nervously replied, fur trapping?
Hoskinini scowled. You will leave the valley, he said. If you refuse, I will kill you.
Now that should have been their cue to leave.
But, well, they wanted that silver. So they stayed in Monument Valley and continued their search. And legend has it that their determination paid off. They supposedly found a silver mine and grabbing what they could, rushed back to Colorado to find investors. But the investors weren't convinced by a few measly nuggets of silver,
two dusty wannabe prospectors, and one tall tale. Go back, they demanded, and return with more silver. The thing is, Mitchell and Merrick never mentioned the Navajo, or the deadly warning. or the deadly warning. Okay, hang tight, and we'll finish that story in just a moment.
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For more detailed information to help you plan, check out our Monument Valley Itinerary and Know Before You Go.