The Hawaiian royal coat of arms / Coat_of_arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Hawaii.gif: UnknownUnknown derivative work: Centpacrr, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Hawaiian royal coat of arms / Coat_of_arms_of_the_Kingdom_of_Hawaii.gif: UnknownUnknown derivative work: Centpacrr, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Truce That Finally Added Kauai to Kamehameha's Kingdom

Shaka Guide

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After 2 failed attempts, Kamehameha changed his mind about conquering Kauai. He was getting older, and would be satisfied if King Ka’umu’alii of Kauai would just acknowledge his authority and pay him taxes. Well, of course, neither king wanted to appear weak. So it took much back and forth. But in the end, Ka’umu’alii of Kauai agreed to Kamehameha’s terms. 

However, many of Kauai’s lower chiefs under Ka’umu’alii were angry at his agreement to pay taxes to Kamehameha. They were so angry, that they made a plot to kill Ka’umu’alii with poison. Luckily the plot was discovered, and Ka’umu’alii was spared. However, these lower chiefs likely turned their target - in retaliation - to an American named Isaac Davis, for revealing their plot to save Ka’umu’alii’s life. 

In 1810, with this peace agreement finally in place, Kamehameha the Great established the Kingdom of Hawaii, joining all the islands - including Kauai - under one rule. The ensuing years brought peace and harmony to Hawaii as relations improved and trade was opened between the islands. Kamehameha was a good king, and after so much blood on his hands, he worked hard to establish a lasting peace in Hawaii. 

Well, so happily ever after, right? Well…Not so fast.  We'll tell you about Ka’umu’alii’s military coup and his kidnapping... later.

Want the whole story?

Check out our North Shore Kauai Tour!

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